- Terms:
This document outlines the responsibility of the parties involved in Spencer Solarise known as the ‘Project’. Ned Collier will be referred to throughout as the ‘Project Lead’ or ‘Lead’, the residents (of the properties) will be known as ‘the Buyer/s’, and the solar installer, Potentia Engineering as ‘the Seller’.
- Roles:
2.1: The Project Lead
Ned Collier will act as the manager of the Project and will act on behalf of The Buyer and The Seller to deliver the Project as outlined below in the summary. The Project will be delivered in a timely and cost-efficient way. The Lead will act as the contact point between the Buyer and the Seller but not exclusively, in some instances for example the Seller may need direct contact with the Buyer e.g. if a query arises that the Lead cannot resolve.
2.2: The Buyers
The ‘Buyers’ are the residents of Spencer Rise who have expressed their interest in the Project and who have provided consent to proceed via a signature of this document (below). This document will be the final confirmation that the Buyers will proceed to purchase.
2.3: The Seller
Potentia Engineering has been selected as the Seller and subsequently they will be the company that supplies and installs the solar panels, battery and inverter. In addition, they will manage the scaffolding for the install which means they will arrange all communications with the scaffolding company, payment (to the scaffolders) and dates for putting up and taking down the scaffolding. The Lead will manage the parking bay suspensions required for the scaffolding vehicle/s.
- Contract
The Seller will provide the full contract to the Buyer and this act as the only contract for this Project. The Buyer must provide the Contract agreement to the Seller in writing and notify the Lead e.g. by a CC on email to [email protected]
The involvement and responsibility of the Lead will end after the installation of the solar panels, battery, and inverter has been completed and al scaffolding removed. After that the Seller will own the liability as stated in the Seller’s Contract and the warranties of the products provided by the Seller.
- Summary:
The Project aims to decarbonise the street of Spencer Rise and reduce the cost of the residents’ electricity bills by offering solar panels to the Buyers at a discounted rate through the economies of scale of bulk purchasing the products, in addition to council funding.
- Final confirmation to proceed
Please now confirm that you, the Buyer, would like to proceed with the Project by uploading your signature below.
By providing this signature confirmation, you are now committing to purchasing solar panels, a battery and inverter for your property subject to survey from the Seller and you are confirming you have the financial capability to proceed which means you are able to pay in the region of between £5k – £9.5k for solar panels, battery, inverters and installation (see 5.1 below).
- The final cost for the solar system will be determined following:
- the site survey on the Buyer’s property (by the Seller)
- how many Buyers commit to the project and;
- how much funding the Project secures from Camden Council Climate Fund.
It is hoped that successful outcomes of all these three points will result in a discounted solar power system for the Buyer’s property.
To complete and sign this Letter of Authority please download the Word file version here. Once this form has been completed please either scan and email (or just email the electronic version) to [email protected]